Athletic Ministry
The Ministry of Athletics was formed to give physical fitness to our young men and women. The young men and women will be trained and skilled in exercises, sports, and games requiring physical strength, agility and stamina. |
Children's Church Ministry
Designed to help children grow into the service of the Lord in their own setting. |
Christian Education
The Christian Education council is a committee organization headed by the pastor and established for the betterment of the church. Its purpose is to supply tangible means of understanding the tasks of the church (worship, mission, evangelism, fellowship, and education) and how believers engage in these tasks. It is made up of individuals who have shown Christian leadership qualities in the various auxiliaries within the church structure. The purpose of each committee member is to share feasible information and observations from the auxiliaries for which they represent with the committee as a whole. This is done in order to meet the needs of the entire church more efficiently. |
Courtesy/Security Ministry
"The Shepherds of Sardis", provide assistance and security to members and guest of the church. |
Drama Ministry
An outreach ministry designed to develop talent and to present plays and skits to the church and community. The New Sardis Drama Ministry is open to any person interested in participating in theatrical activities. The Ministry is also open to talented, committed, Christian Community and guest performers. The Ministry is committed to clean, wholesome, humorous, yet spiritual everyday situations. It allows writers and performers to be creative, imaginative and energetic, always keeping in mind "Where We Are And Whose We Are." |
Economic Empowerment Ministry
Designed to promote an awakening of the economic consciousness of the community. |
Fitness & Wellness Ministry
This ministry is designed to assure the health and well-being of the membership. This ministry offers free Blood Pressure and Glucose Screening each 2nd Sunday of the month. |
Golden Circle Ministry
A Seniors organization designed to meet the spiritual and social needs of our elderly. |
Hope Ministry
An outreach ministry that seeks to help people who are attempting to recover from addictions. The Hope Ministry is the product of a vision of Dr. L. LaSimba M. Grays desire to help people and Rev. Clayborne Beards desire to spread hope among people who feel that they are in hopeless situations. The Hope Ministry allows individuals to be aware of roles they play as caretakers, enablers, people-pleasers, in response to unhealthy situations. |
Investment Ministry
Designed to raise the level of awareness of the economic system of our culture, and increase participation in various investment opportunities. |
Men-To-Boys Ministry
An outreach ministry to help our young boys in the church and community. |
Missionary Society
A womens organization that was established as a Christian outreach ministry. They aid the pastor in spreading the gospel to those who are less fortunate. |
Music Ministry
The following choirs render the music of New Sardis:
Mass Choir: 1st Sunday Youth Choir: 2nd Sunday Male Chorus: 3rd Sunday Mass Choir: 4th Sunday |
New Sardis Childcare & Learning Center
Promoting social and physical growth in a loving, caring Christian environment. For inquiries please call 901-754-4539. Serving preschool children ages 2 years - 4 years and school age children ages 5 years to 12 years. |
Radio Ministry
Designed to prepare audio tapes of church services for the sick,
elderly and shut-in.
Youth Ministry
This ministry encompasses our Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, youth retreats, Bible study, youth rallies, the youth choir, and a scholarship program all designed for the growth, education, and salvation of our children. |